What is Jordan Belfort Net Worth?

  • Net Worth: $100 million
  • Age: 60
  • birth date: July 9, 1962
  • United States of America is the country of origin.
  • Entrepreneur


The estimated value of Jordan Belfort net worth is $100 million. As of June 2022, he is a motivational speaker who is now touring the globe.American author and motivational speaker Jordan Joss Belfort hails from Queens, New York. The Wolf of Wall Street, his autobiography, is his best-known work. He entered a guilty plea to fraud, stock market manipulation, and other charges in 1999.

Early Years

On July 9, 1962, Jordan Belfort was born in Queens, New York. His parents, Max and Leah, are both accountants, and he was born into a Jewish household. Belfort earned a biology bachelor’s degree from American University.The University of Maryland School of Dentistry was where he made the decision to enrol. The head of the college informed him after his first day that “the golden era of dentistry is finished,” and he soon quit. You’re in the wrong position if your only motivation for being here is to make a lot of money.


Belfort was raised in a Queens apartment, where he also began his sales career by hawking meat and fish.In 1987, he chose to use his sales abilities in a different industry and became a stockbroker. In the 1990s, Belfort founded Stratton Oakmont, his own business. He gained notoriety for defrauding investors of millions of dollars.Jordan used a “pump and dump” strategy with his coworker Danny Porush to launder money. The prices of the stocks were inflated by his brokers, and Stratton Oakmont afterwards sold its own shares in these stocks for a profit.Belfort had plenty of money and had a lavish lifestyle. He purchased a home, sports vehicles, and pricey gadgets.He began to get heavily dependent on drugs. He was at fault for multiple mishaps, including one in which his helicopter collided with his own boat. Wow, what a life.His second marriage was influenced by his drug use. Belfort started acting irrationally against his employees. The workplace culture at Stratton Oakmont was one of sex, substance addiction, and horseplay.In 2003, Belfort was given a four-year jail term and a $110 million fine. He was imprisoned for 22 months. Belfort was inspired to write about his experiences by one of his cellmates. He wrote his book, The Wolf of Wall Street, after spending his whole life in prison.Catching The Wolf of Wall Street, which described his life after prison, was published soon after his first book.Today, Belfort travels the globe as a motivational speaker, sharing his story of triumph. He runs his own business that offers sales and market-straight line training.He defended himself by saying, “I’m a wolf who changed into a more kind figure,” in an interview with the Daily Mail.Jordan Belfort’s net worth as of June 2022 is around $100 million owing to his criminal history and the fines he has been assessed.

Jordan Belfort’s financial habits.

  1. Through his investing firm, Stratton Oakmont, Belfort gained millions of dollars in the 1990s. Of the $110 million penalties imposed on Belfort, it is said that $14 million has already been paid.
  2. He’s owned a lot of expensive automobiles and residences in the past. The value of one of his prior residences is $3.4 million. The home has five bedrooms, a big pool, a garage, and other gathering spaces.
  3. A luxurious boat that Belfort acquired was formerly owned by Coco Chanel. A kit-built aeroplane, which he formerly had aboard his boat, is one of his most costly purchases.

Highlights The following are a few of Jordan Belfort’s top professional moments:

  • The Wolf of Wall Street and autobiographies (2007)
  • Bringing the Wolf of Wall Street to justice (2009)
  • The Way of the Wolf: Learn the Secrets of Success, Persuasion, and Influence. (2017)
  • The Wolf of Wolf Street’s filmography, along with its honours and nominations
  • USA Academy Awards (Best Performance by an Actor leading role, Leonardo DiCaprio, 2014)
  • Globe Awards (Best Motion Picture, 2014)
  • BAFTA Honors (Best Leading Actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, 2014)
  • MTV Movie and Television Awards (Movie of The Year, 2014)

Favorite Jordan Belfort quotes

  • “Never give up if you want to be rich. People frequently quit. You will prevail over most individuals if you are persistent. Moreover, you will gain knowledge. You might fail when you try something. But that doesn’t mean you failed. You haven’t learnt enough, that’s why. Every time, do it differently. One day, you’ll execute it correctly. Failure is a buddy of yours. (Jordan Belfort)
  • “Successful individuals are completely persuaded that they are in control of their own destiny; they are not objects of circumstance; instead, they create circumstances, and if the circumstances in their immediate environment are undesirable, they alter them.” (Jordan Belfort)
  • “I want you to put yourself in a tight spot. Make sure that you can only succeed. Make failure’s repercussions so severe and unfathomable that you won’t have any other option than to take whatever steps are necessary to achieve. (Jordan Belfort)
  • “When you live by low standards, you hurt everyone who is in your way, especially the people you care about.” (Jordan Belfort)
  • “Creating something of such value that everyone wants and going out and giving and creating value, the money flows immediately,” is the simplest approach to generate money. (Jordan Belfort)

Lessons from Jordan Belfort for Success

Now that you are aware of Jordan Belfort’s wealth and the methods he used to succeed, let’s look at some of the things we can learn from him.

1. Act Wolfish

Opportunities are only reserved in the actual world by the most eager applicants. Be a wolf; be ravenous. In the real world, dogs fight dogs.

2. Act on it, don’t just talk about it.

Instead of talking about it, demonstrate it to everyone around you by your daily activities and make it a reality. You must train your mind to think like a rich person if you want to be wealthy.

3. Everything Is About Perception

Always dress appropriately. It’s all about the presentation, and how you look speaks volumes about your character and work ethic.


The “Wolf of Wall Street,” Jordan Belfort, made millions of dollars through his investing firm, Stratton Oakmont. He got into a lot of legal difficulties, which resulted in four years in prison and a $110 million fine.As of 2022, Jordan Belfort’s net worth is predicted to reach about $100 million. He is presently 59 years old and travels the world giving motivational speeches.

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